13 August 2007

New Layouts....New Pictures...Lots of Fun!

It's been so long since I posted last, I cannot believe how fast time goes by. My son was away for a week at summer camp. A totally cool camp, called CyberCamps! He learns how to create video games for PC and stuff like that! I'll add more to that later.

Now for the latest and greatest in photos of some ADORABLE little kiddies. My niece Angelina turned 3 this past week and this last weekend we had a nice party for her. Here are some layouts that show how adorable these little kiddies are in my family! I'm so lucky I hardly have to ask for a picture, they're all little posers and models to be.

I'll provide credits shortly with links to some fabulous scrapbooking sites.
I've also been asked to be on two more Creative Teams, I'll write up some information about those fabulous designers and showcase their terrific works in my next posting - which should be within the week!
Thanks for looking, leave me a comment or two and I'll be so happy :-)