19 April 2007

Wanna Be A Queen? Queen of the Crop 2007?

Check it out! Visit Scrapbookgraphics and register now!

The Queen of the Crop is a digital scrapbooking layout competition hosted here at Scrapbookgraphics. Participants who enter the competition will be expected to create 4 layouts that meet our specific criteria. One layout per contestant will be showcased per week on our site to be voted upon by the community. All participants remain in the contest until the end of the four weeks. At that time, votes will be totaled and then ten participants with the highest votes will move on to the final round. Voting will continue on again in the final round, and the votes will be counted and then revealed at the end of that week.
What is the reward? - The artist with the most votes overall will take first place, claiming the title and crown of SBG Queen of the Crop 2007.
1st place
- $1000.00 cash (US funds) to be distributed by PayPal (winner must have PayPal account)- $500.00 donated by us to the winner’s certified charity of choice- 1 Shutterfly Storybook 12 x 12
Besides this loot, the Queen will have the opportunity to take her rightful place as a VIP representative for Scrapbookgraphics. Throughout the course of her reign, she may be called upon to review products, share tips, tricks, layouts and possibly write articles for our newsletter or blog.
2nd place
- $200 cash (US funds) to be distributed by Paypal (winner must have PayPal account)- 1 Shutterfly Storybook 12 x 12
Also included is the opportunity to take her rightful place as a VIP representative for Scrapbookgraphics. Throughout the course of her reign, she may be called upon to review products, share tips, tricks, layouts and possibly write articles for our newsletter or blog.
3rd place
- $100 cash (US funds) to be distributed by PayPal (winner must have PayPal account)- 1 Shutterfly Storybook 12 x 12Also included is the opportunity to take her rightful place as a VIP representative for Scrapbookgraphics. Throughout the course of her reign, she may be called upon to review products, share tips, tricks, layouts and possibly write articles for our newsletter or blog.
7 Runners Up
- 1 Shutterfly Storybook 12 x 12- each will be invited to join our crew for one month as a Crew Temp
- This competition is open to everyone with the exception of Scrapbookgraphics designers or crew members.
- Despite the title, this competition is not gender specific. In fact, if a man enters and wins we will gladly crown him “King” (if that is what he chooses).
- Layouts submitted to the competition should be created primarily with items designed by the Studio Girls at Scrapbookgraphics.Each registered participant will receive a 25% off Discount Card to SBG.
- Layouts must meet the criteria of our challenges and must be submitted by deadlines, no exceptions.