You know the drill, it's $2.00 to vote, but portions will be donated to a charity of the winner's choice. All the rules and regs are below in another post. I hope you will vote and support a well deserving charity. THANKS!!
It's a great and fun contest, come on!!! Join in on the fun!! It'll be great! Most important, VOTE FOR ME!!!! Here is my week 2 entry:
credits: Background, text overlay, butterflies, hearts from Sausan's Valentino Valentina ElementsJournaling blocks from Taran's Writer's Blocks 1Pearl button and Red Button from Jessica and Krista's Bohemian Peddler ElementsPaper heart from Jessica Bolt's Delight in Photographs
Journaling reads: My true wish and passion in life is LOVE. I love to love. I love to be loved. I love everything about love. Seems silly, I know. I know too many people who fall out of love too easily. Not enough people fall into love. We take love for granted. We think it will never go away. We think we don't have to work at it. We think that we love enough, but the truth is....we don't love enough. The romantic times of the old would be so pleasing to me. I'd love to see men dressed dapper and women always wearing a dress and looking feminine. Nothing wrong with how we look now, I just think it would be LOVELY.
Remember, I'm scrapping for THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY!