Yep, I'm gonna be back to working full time again. No sense in not working and making money while I wait around for our IVF to work.....Why not work, make money, save money, save more money and prepare for those lovely little ones when I can? As Ellen Degeneres would say, "Am I right, Ladies?"
So, I start tomorrow as a buyer for insight. It's an entry level position, but one that can really be used as a stepping stone to further a career in the procurement industry. Not so sure if I want to grow my career, but getting back into the working world (and wearing cute shoes and nice new clothes!) is something that i think will help me in dealing with any disappointments in the IVF arena and also helps me feel like I'm contributing a little more than usual at home. It will be 5 years this June since I've worked full time! Wow, time has flown by!
So far the family seems OK with it. Today, I took most of the day to get the house ready for me to not be around all the time! Clean, laundry, straightening up, etc. And, I was able to go out and buy myself an awesome new pair of shoes - well, 2 awesome new pairs...I actually bought 3 pair, but I'm gonna return one of them.....during my lunch hour tomorrow! I will be working less than 1/2 mile from the local mall here, so I can definitely do shopping during a lunch break.
The other great benefit of this Insight location, is that it is less than 5 miles from my home. Isn't that great? I won't have to worry about getting home at a certain time, it's close to schools and grocery stores, etc. I can get a lot done during lunch, so I won't feel too overwhelmed by only having nights and weekends to do chores.
I don't get why I fret so much over getting things done. When I worked full time and had a child in daycare, I was so much more efficient with my time and didn't seem to be too overwhelmed. I mean I was overwhelmed just by life itself at the time, but doing all that needed to be done was easy enough. This should be easy too! Especially with helpful and supportive family this time around!
The only thing I think I will miss, is the fact that I can scrap all day now and I can take pictures all day too! I have been getting together with my Sister and Neice to do shopping or go to places and that will be missed in a BIG way, but we will always have holidays and weekends to do things. I'll get used to everything. And, I'll have more to blog about too!