09 June 2007

Man have I been bad...

I'm sorry, no postings from me in a LONG time! It's been busy, I'm still trying to get used to working full time again. Seems like my days just fly by without much time for myself. Well, that will change. I'm starting to do more things for myself now and learning to enjoy them.

This morning, just after I got up, I went for a drive to a few wildlife reserve areas to get some new pictures. I didn't get anything good, but it was nice to just go and do something for myself.
This evening Bob and Riley have gone to a Chicago Fire soccer game with a friend. It's really nice. I've got the entire house to myself all night. Been scrappin' up a storm. No TV, No video games going, nothing but the sound of me typing away. Strange how I can enjoy that, huh? Well, I do.
I probably should have gone for a manicure/pedicure, but I wanted to get a few pages scrapped. I'm hoping to land a few Creative Team assignments. I'd love to be able to scrap for a few designers specifically. Especially the ones that I've applied to, their designs are awesome and I really use their kits alot!
We'll see. For now, here are a few new layouts I've done and some new pictures that I took recently.
I hope you enjoy. Talk to you soon!

Punk Love Kit by Traci Reed

I Dig Dirt Kit by Traci Reed

Background: Berna, Notepaper: Doris Castle, Sunshine Brite, X Stitching: Katie P., Hung Up Tags Crooked Stitching: Doris Castle, Sunshine BriteSafety Pin: Katie P., Vintage Safety Pins

Traci Reed's Boy Theory Kit and Maya's Scribblers & FreeSpirit Kits
Traci Reed's Filmstrip from her Serene Elements and Tina Chamber Wordart